About Antahyoga

Antahyoga is an initiative of Apramaad Foundation, with sole objective of improving and healing mental health. We are committed to simplify the knowledge and wisdom of ancient Bharat and then spread the same throughout the world so that people can take charge of their mind and in-turn, their joys and sorrows. We also support individuals who have successfully helped their mental health through our techniques and wish to dig deeper aspects of those techniques and knowledge. This means that our approach, techniques and support are always on an improvement curve. We do not believe in perfection because there is no scope for further improvements, once perfection is achieved.
Antahyoga Foundation through its “seekers”, explores various techniques of mind to help go beyond the mind and recognize the real Self. Antahyoga, simply means the “inner yoga” or the “yoga within” or the “inner dimensions beyond mind”, which is always present and is always in act, but mostly remains unexplored because the focus has been on the various aspects of “outside”. Antahyoga attempts to help turn the focus “within” from the “without” so that the “yoga within” can be explored. In short, being conscious of the acts of the mind, gradually dissolves the mind, which paves the path of exploring the “inner dimensions beyond mind”, thereby, gradually leading to the real Self.
Why Antah Yoga ?
Antahyoga helps improve overall mental health through ancient Indian techniques, which are known to be very effective. Further, we believe that every individual is unique with unique abilities and powers. Accordingly, our approach is customized based on each person’s personal traits. On top, our approach is based on self-affirmation, which magnifies the overall learning or healing experiences or the outcome. In a nutshell, we will first learn basics about you, devise a customized plan for you and then we will walk the path along with you, with inclusive mindset, to achieve your mental health objectives.

Why Antah Yoga ?
Antahyoga helps improve overall mental health through ancient Indian techniques, which are known to be very effective. Further, we believe that every individual is unique with unique abilities and powers. Accordingly, our approach is customized based on each person’s personal traits. On top, our approach is based on self-affirmation, which magnifies the overall learning or healing experiences or the outcome. In a nutshell, we will first learn basics about you, devise a customized plan for you and then we will walk the path along with you, with inclusive mindset, to achieve your mental health objectives.